Jul 19 2020

Previewing the Completion of the 2020 Nebraska Legislative Session


State senators have reconvened to complete the 2020 Legislative Session, with few legislative days left to work through several pending and potentially some new, major issues. The session was originally to have concluded April 23, but now will end August 13. 

Senators still have heavy lifts to complete on balanced and reasonable property tax relief, the ImagiNE Nebraska Act for jobs and business investment, workforce/talent initiatives, workplace fairness protections based on sexual orientation, and enactment of a plan that will leverage UNMC bio-containment expertise to bring high-wage and high-impact jobs to our state. Another key Lincoln Chamber priority issue, tax relief for military retirees, is on Final Reading and we continue to urge senators to enact this important legislation. 

In addition to the above, senators are likely to spend some of their precious time evaluating new issues related to federal CARES Act spending authority as well as tax implications. We expect a renewed focus on expanding equal opportunities for all and remain convinced that we must firmly establish our state as committed to being a welcoming economy where all are welcome, and all can flourish. 

A lot has changed since the Legislature went into a temporary pause for the health and safety of all concerned. Our economic disruption is unparalleled in recent history, with nearly 300 lives lost and over 160,000 fellow Nebraskans filing for unemployment due to coronavirus. Our social fabric is also fraying due to racial injustice and uneven economic opportunities. 

Despite the pandemic, there are signs for optimism that economic recovery in Nebraska can bring increased opportunities to our businesses and our communities.

Economic development and the enactment of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act remains a top issue for the Lincoln Chamber and it is more important than ever that we position our state as a leader in innovation and opportunity in a post-pandemic business landscape. Our advantages such as our work ethic and a 5.2% unemployment rate as the country’s lowest, business-friendly regulatory and legal environment, logistics, high-performing education systems, strong ag base and central location stand out at this time when businesses in all sectors assess their operations.

The Lincoln Chamber joins Chambers of Commerce from across the state and other economic development leaders and organizations to support the ImagiNE Nebraska Act as a key component of the economic recovery. It is the time for our leaders to step up and provide for the future of our city and our state.